Past and future

9 03 2012

C’è una nuova prigione, una nuova sim, una nuova bandiera. Tutto è cambiato per tornare come prima.


Stay tuned…..

Punto e a capo.

24 10 2010

Come mi fu detto una volta ad una lezione di fisica che non dimenticherò mai, noi tutti viviamo come seduti su una gigantesca molla; se desideriamo non cambiare nulla del nostro stato attuale dobbiamo opporre una forza pari alla molla sotto di noi, altrimenti lasciarci andare facendoci proiettare via. Sfortunatamente condizioni atmosferiche, gravità, ostacoli, saranno i principali fattori a decidere dove finiremo; a poco servirà cambiare la nostra posizione durante il moto.

wcfinviolet_002E così come in RL questa regola, per quanto semplicistica possa apparire, regola le nostre esistenze, così in SL segna i destini di quei pochi bit che ci rappresentano.

Cambiamenti che non sappiamo dove ci porteranno, decisioni che segnano il terreno dove passiamo.

Le nuove regole al WCF, il trasloco più o meno indolore della Fortezza dal Winsconsin, l’arrivo di ManetteMatte, l’addio di alcune persone e l’arrivo di altre stanno caricando quella molla alla quale non sarà facile opporsi.

malinferie_001Rimanere seduti in riva al mare ed osservare ciò che ci circonda in questo pazzo mondo virtuale al momento sembra essere la cosa più saggia per non trovarsi scaraventati chissà dove. Consapevole che la molla è sempre li, pronta a scattare e lanciarmi in chissà dove. Tuttavia, parafrasando un noto film: “La cosa bella “di SL”, è che c’è sempre un posto dove andare.”



Intanto qualcosa di questa nuova vita si inizia ad intravedere………………..

Malbert Greenfield (M-4876)

Ciao mondo!!

18 10 2010

Post automatico di WordPress, ma atto dovuto a causa delle nuove policy di Microsoft per i blog.

Notti in SL

11 08 2010


Come spesso accade in RL, alcune notti sono scandite non tanto dalle parole ma dalle musiche che sono intorno e dentro di noi. Non pretendo ne che questa pagina sia capita, mancando (volutamente) i soggetti coinvolti, ne considerata un enigma al quale dare una soluzione. E’ semplicemente un momento di SL, uno dei tanti che mi hanno coinvolto ultimamente, complice una RL inusuale e dai ritmi imprevisti.



[2010/08/05 14:26]  MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: : Entering chat range: [XXXXXX XXXXXXX] (2m)

[2010/08/05 15:42]  [XXXXXX XXXXXXX]:

[2010/08/05 15:46]  Malbert Greenfield:
[2010/08/05 15:52]  [XXXXXX XXXXXXX]:

[2010/08/05 15:56]  Malbert Greenfield:

[2010/08/05 16:00]  [XXXXXX XXXXXXX]:

[2010/08/05 16:10]  [XXXXXX XXXXXXX]:

[2010/08/05 16:24]  [XXXXXX XXXXXXX]:
[2010/08/05 16:24]  [XXXXXX XXXXXXX]: XD
[2010/08/05 16:24]  Malbert Greenfield: doccia fredda -.-
[2010/08/05 16:24]  [XXXXXX XXXXXXX]: LOL
[2010/08/05 16:25]  [XXXXXX XXXXXXX]: la prima che mi è venuta in mente era quella dei Puffi

[2010/08/05 16:25]  Malbert Greenfield:

[2010/08/05 16:43]  [XXXXXX XXXXXXX]:

[2010/08/05 16:44]  [XXXXXX XXXXXXX]: One way or another I’m gonna find ya

“Non sparate sul pianista” scrivevano nei bar del far west……….così se questi pezzi non son piaciuti e siete davvero insoddisfatti, il barman offrirà il suo miglior distillato della casa….


The chronicles of Riddler

20 07 2010


castle in a bottle_001 Una nuova pagina sta prendendo forma in quel piccolo diario nella quale annoto gli eventi della vita di Malbert; una pagina affascinante quanto surreale, bella quanto rischiosa, equilibrata quanto instabile. Scoprire dopo tanti anni che l’inchiostro non è finito e che tanto si può ancora scrivere, continua a stupirmi e a farmi cercare il magico di questi posti……..



Ancora una volta non so dove porterà il vento, ho solo un fogliettino con strani segni confusi che sembrano scriversi da soli…..

Ancora una volta lascerò guidare gli eventi……

Ancora una volta………

Technorati Tag:

Jennifer’s Bane Diary

28 06 2010

janearl_004 Here it follows the diary of one of my banes; she sent it to me at the very end of her banishment. I am posting it without any review, just the way she did it.





May 21st 2010

jennifer_001 Hello, Im gonna add what I can remember on the day I was brought in to be processed as a bane. It wasnt hot that day was farily warmm after waiting almost 2 weeks I got a call to return to Kelley Tech where I met my OP Malbert Greenfield. He was nice and was pretty quite yet firm in some ways. My first thought was What is he gonnado?"Laughs" I get nervous around people I didn’t know how to act with him but he helped that real quick. I was lucky to have him help me get into the suit that day where he told me to set up the time. We live in different time zones irl So it was kind of hard but I somehow made my time to get on. After I came in on RLV he took me up to the lab and explained what I was getting myself into. I told him I understood and went ahead with it.  jennifer_002The whole thing was about 90 minutes at least. I tranformed from a human into a black latex shadow. When I got outside I found I was unable to walk good. My speech was totally gone and all I could do was find a spot to stand, It took me some time adjusting after a few days trying to get from one place to another.  I was visited a few days later by Kendra whom walks around in Zhora and takes a great intrest in Banes..She helped me get on top of the garge that I had been having trouble with for days, I thought that was nice of her.  From 1 pm slt on May 21st I was a bane an outcase into soicety. Thus this experiance that I went through changed me. I became stronger and made some nice friends 🙂







June 2nd 2010

I wote this I assume June 2 2010 in my profile. I wasn’t on long so I didn’t have much to put in.

It’s been one week and 5 days now Im down to 21 hours and 16 mins with one Violation for entering the prisoners lounge in Zhora. Soon this will be updated. My experience so far has been intresting say the least. I can’t walk to goo and my speech is totally gone. I have came to terms that I am a Bane.


June 8th 2010

This was written on June 8th 2010

It’s been 3 weeks almost since I enter in the program. The process is going slow, I am quite tired today as I sit here looking at the sky, I can feel some of the summer air on my latex skin form where I a. The heat should rise into it’s 100’s will I make it? Time will tell. Its hard in this suit I know it. Anyone that tried it knows it. I can barely walk still, Last night I couldn’t get into thejennifer_009 maintenance station really good so had to leap in as in flying which caught me by accident I wondered how it got me flying like I did but found it helped me get in there.  I did make it in only after a good 5 minutes. Though my custodian wasn’t happy that I tried the method to get onto the garage and punished me again. So here I am sitting here watching a few people go by in the city of Zhora. Hopefully I can complete my sentance. I know I will complete it I am a strong Bane.

My time left: 18 hrs and 57 Mins. No Updates yet


June 22nd-23th 2010

June 22 and 23: This one really gotten long that day I can tell I was really putting in my time at my final week.

Hi again, After over a month, I am still here in my black suit. Got a visit from my Op whom I hadnt seen since I went into banishment. I often had wondered what happened to him.  It really has been a long road I went somewhere and found I was able to walk better today! That is a good thing only where I went somehow I got two violations for being on private structure. Kind of strange since I was there for 20 minutes. Anyway I’m back sitting in Zhora. Also gotten my first update from the network. I was added 2 hours of voilations in the 10 hour time that I’ve spent in this. It’s getting pretty hard but I’m hanging in there.

Updated June 23 2010 Had 14 hours and 32 Mins. Left
Violation Update: Added 2 hours. Time went to 16 hours and 2 mins. I have now 13 hours and 49 mins left with a violation of talking to my Op. Luckly none when SL gooffed up and sent me to another place when I logged on telling me Zhora wasnt avaliable that I been moved to a closer region.

Bane time at 9:00 PM SLT: 10: hours and 55 mins to go. No Network update yet.


June 24th 2010

Morning of June 24th

Its been 33 days basicly since I entered the program on the afternooon of May 21st. My time is getting close now I have made it this far only hope I can continue down the road, It’s really hot today the humid air feels like 115 in this suit. I wonder how the other banes made it in this heat. I feel strong, and confindante more than I ever had been. I had to do another maintance this morning thankfully noone bothered me as they did the last two other times I was in there. I saw that alot of people was in Zhora today I wonder if there had been a class going on? I’m a bane sitting on the garage, It’s difficult not being able to see what’s happening or say hi. I came this far as I said before I can do this. It’s my strength and will thats been getting me through each and everyday one day I will be realeased into society.

Network Update at 7:40 pm slt:  My time for violation got extended 1 hour. I have  6 hours and 42 mins left.
Overall Time Total:  20 hours and 33 mins.


June 25th 2010

janearl_001 Today maybe the day after a long wait. Im down to 1 hour and 22 Mins left. As I stand near the tree in the park, seems like its cooler here getting away from the heat as best as I can. As my hours slowly counts down I sit and think about how far I have came. I never thought I would get this far as I did. I wanted to do this, most would ask how I was able too. The truth is it’s not easy bit with willpower you can. I had to keep teeling myself this everyday. What kept me going and not safewording. As time draws closer I am a bit scared. Society hadn’t seen me in 34 days. What’s it gonna feel like once Im out of the suit. Only time will tell.

Time left:  45 mins. Its now 12:55 pm slt. janearl_002 I did it! 45 minutes later I had my OP come down and he helped me out of my helment. I spent the total of 27 hours in the suit. I am proud to have been able to have this experiance.  It feels strange now without the skin of latex  though I might have withdrawls by next week. I am now hoping to become an OP where I could help others that are going through what I did. It is tough and All I can say is stick with it the outcome is amazing so is the memories 🙂 

Jennifer Arlington Bane
May 21st-June 25th 2010


June 26th 2010

greenandjen_002 Hello, welcome to my diary. I made this from my profile during the time I was a Bane. I was freed yesterday June 25 after serveing in total of 27 hours.  There are some questions I know you want to know like what it was like how did it feel ect..I can give you my answers below..



When did I start my diary?
A. 12 days after I was sent in the kelley tech banishment.

What was it like/How did it feel?
A. It was hard, It felt like you are in your own world all the time. Aside from the operator that keeps up with me I basicly talked to myself. I had tv also in real life keeping me company while I was serving out my time.

Did I walk around places while in that?
A. Not for a month no cause I couldn’t walk in Zhora I figured that it been impossiable to do it. I did go to a couple places but I got a voilation for being in private structures, so I thought it was best to hang around in Zhora.

Why is the dates all in june close to the release?

A. I wasn’t on much in the end of May and first 2 weeks of June becuase of RL. When I came back 12 days after my senteance I made a small writing of my experiance then I was gone again.

Did I do it in bulk times or all at once?

A. It started out slowly cause of RL then when I was able to I spent 3 days in here doing 8 hours at a time.

Was it hard doing it that much?

A. Yes, It was but I was determined to stick with it

Did anything happen during the time I was a Bane? Anything that freaked me out?

A. YES! the other day something happened to the sim I don’t know what when I tried logging in SL I was moved to a near by region cause Zhora wasn’t avaliable. It landed me in Korea a welcome area that nearly gave me a heart attack. Lukcly my Op was online and came to my aid in time.

Was I at any point subject to Bane bashing?

A. Yes I think I was, It wasn’t to bad but annoying though expectually when you are using a maintnace station and you have someone trying to come right up on you and watch. Kind of like going to pee and someone watching you, It is unnerving. I did have someone tried to stalk me around the SIM and she found me under the tree where she got up close basicly in my face. I teleported away and reported her to the operator.

Did I get any advice from my OP?

A. Yes I did, when he needed to just to help me out. I found it quite helpful too.

What would I tell other girls and guys if they want to try this?
A. If you feel you can handle it I would say go for it! Keep in mind tho, Its a long and hard process. You have to keep focus on what’s around you at all times. If you feel you can do it and have 2300L to give out. 300 is for the skin and 2000 would be for the collar and helment. Though there is a plus side to this. If you make your time you can get 1800L Back 🙂

Any advice I would like to give out?
A. Yes, there are several one is becareful where you are teleporting at if you get into trouble call for help!
Second, Don’t stand in the same spot for so many hours, this attracts the bashers more this way. Try and move often.
Third.. Have fun, its hard but it is also rewarding too.

Thank you for reading my questionaiers. This may be updated from time to time but I wanted to give you (the reader) a general feel of my experiance. The rest you have to find out on your own. If you decide to go into this. I wish you the best of luck 🙂

Dated: June 26, 2010
Jennifer Arlington


Life is a roller-coaster (Just Frough)

11 06 2010

Dal venerdì mattina ci si aspetta di tutto tranne che una brutta notizia. Leggere questa nota scritta da Frough è stato come un fulmine a ciel sereno di cui  ho sentito solo il boato ma non ho avuto la possibilità di ammirare la maestosità della scarica.

3 Mi ritrovo nuovamente a scrivere in seconda persona su questo blog sebbene consapevole che non rivedrò la destinataria di questo messaggio per chissà quanto tempo….

Cara Frough, la vita di per se è un ottovolante. Ci son persone che decidono di salire sulla giostra e vivere appieno le emozioni che può dare, paura, gioia, terrore, noia; ci son altre che decidono di rimanere giù a guardare gli altri correre veloci su quella giostra, sperando di avere compagnia da chissà chi ma di fatto annoiandosi per sempre.


Aver condiviso, seppur per poco, il mio tempo di SL con te è stata una delle situazioni più strane, pericolose, emozionanti, fuori dall’ordinario che abbia mai vissuto, per tutti i motivi che ben conosci; s1ei stata parte di tanti momenti fondamentali nella storia di Malbert. Come sempre il nostro amato luna park chiamato SL ha dato il meglio di se facendo incontrare due persone di due mondi (apparentemente) diversi ed incrociando i loro destini in tante occasioni.

So già fin da adesso che mi mancheranno le nostre conversazioni (sebbene spesso funestate da ingarbugliate e strettissime gag) all’ombra di austeri castelli a picco sul mare o sui tetti di grigie prigioni.

So che queste son scelte che non si prendono a cuor leggero ma spero tanto che questo distacco possa farti ritrovare ciò che hai perso, così da permettere a tutti noi in di rivedere in futuro la nostra Frough più in forma che mai.

So anche, che prima o poi passerai di fronte a questo pazzo luna park e acquisterai nuovamente un biglietto per entrare e curiosare. Chissà, magari una delle guardie all’ingresso ti sembrerà anche  familiare!!!!!!!

Un bacio Frough!!

E a presto!

Malbert Greenfield (M-4876)

Le responsabilita’ e le dinamiche di un rapporto D/s (WCF vs Femdom)

4 06 2010

Credo che un mio piccolo contributo ad una discussione aperta sul gruppo della Fortezza sia dovuto; dovuto in quanto ex frequentatore assiduo di quella land, in quanto guardia al WCF nonchè colui che ha rinchiuso Marcus, incipit involontario di questa discussione.

Ultimamente ho sentito tanti pareri circa le differenze tra il WCF e la Fortezza, tra noi e loro, tra RP e D/s. Sebbene ognuno abbia fornito una valida spiegazione alle differenze tra i due mondi, alle dinamiche apparentemente diverse che li regolano, credo che in realtà alla base di tutto ci sia un unico motore con due alberi che ruotano in senso opposto pur se su di uno stesso asse.

SL è RP, SL è D/s, SL è emozioni vissute seppur dietro uno schermo…..

SL è RP in quanto ognuno di noi sceglie un ruolo e lo porta avanti più o meno coerentemente…….(nota di Mal: mi ricorda tanto RL)

SL è D/s in quanto ognuno scegli di esser controllore od essere controllato (nota di Mal: ancora una analogia con RL?)

SL è emozioni, altrimenti non passeremmo più di pochi minuti, tanti quanto il tempo passato davanti ad una email con la pubblicità di una scala a chiocciola inviata a chi ha una casa su di un solo piano

Tornando a quanto successo,come in tutte le vicende, tutti i personaggi ben sapevano delle possibili implicazioni, positive o negative, alle quali andavano incontro. E nonostante possa sembrare una crudeltà o una mancanza di attenzioni aver abbandonato il “povero Marcus” per tante ore in mano ad un manipolo di role player spietati, ritengo che questa esperienza possa solo fargli del bene, mostrando allo “sventurato” il  volto di queste land così “particolari”.

Tutto è stato se non una delle infinite possibilità di interazione tra persone qui su SL.

Se invece cercava il lingo…… bastava andare due land avanti sulla sinistra!

Il rischio che gli “sventurati” appena approdati in cerca di chissa quale avventura scappino via spaventati? Certo esiste, ma meglio una onorevole fuga che una vita infelice in un ruolo che non si è amato dal primo momento, a qualunque costo.

E comunque, osservando adesso il comportamento del “soggetto” in esame, i risultati sembrano venir fuori….. Una cura estrema, vero, ma sicuramente formativa. Dove lo porterà? Sarà tutto nelle sue mani……..cosi come è sempre stato!

A crazy nite on SL

13 05 2010

Just song to remember  a crazy nite in SL……………………

You would not believe your eyes
If ten million fireflies
Lit up the world as I fell asleep
Cuz they fill the open air
And leave teardrops everywhere
You think me rude
But I would just stand and stare

I’d like to make myself believe
That planet earth turns slowly
It’s hard to say that
I’d rather stay awake when I’m asleep
Cuz everything is never as it seems

Cuz I get a thousand hugs
From ten thousand lightning bugs
As they try to teach me how to dance
A foxtrot above my head
A sockhop beneath my bed
The disco ball is just hanging by a thread (thread, thread)

I’d like to make myself believe
That planet earth turns slowly
It’s hard to say that
I’d rather stay awake when I’m asleep
Cuz everything is never
As it seems (when I fall asleep)

Leave my door open just a crack
(Please take me away from here)
Cuz I feel like such an insomniac
(Please take me away from here)
Why do I tire of counting sheep?
(Please take me away from here)
When I’m far to tired to fall asleep

To ten million fireflies
I’m weird cuz I hate goodbyes
I got misty eyes as they said farewell (said farewell)
But I know where several are
If my dreams get real bizarre
Cuz I saved a few and I keep ‘em in a jar

I’d like to make myself believe
That planet earth turns slowly
It’s hard to say that
I’d rather stay awake when I’m asleep
Cuz everything is never as it seems (when I fall asleep)

I’d like to make myself believe
That planet earth turns slowly
It’s hard to say that
I’d rather stay awake when I’m asleep
Cuz everything is never as it seems (when I fall asleep)

I’d like to make myself believe
That planet earth turns slowly
It’s hard to say that
I’d rather stay awake when I’m asleep
Because my dreams are bursting at the seams.


Take care!!!!

Malbert Greenfield

She wants a name………

4 05 2010


zhora_002Serata calda, anzi estiva RL. Sono immerso in tanti pensieri, da quelli RL a quelli SL; una infinità di cose che stanno accadendo rapidamente senza soluzione di continuità. E così questa sera, eccomi di fronte ad una altra situazione inaspettata. J-5390, Julie0 Somerset,  parlarmi anche lei di strane voci all’interno della sua banesuit. Non sono certo di cosa stia provando, ma per la prima volta J-5390 mi  è sembrata meno sicura, incerta, ma anche euforica allo stesso tempo. Vorrei aiutarla, darle conforto, spiegazioni, ma in questo momento il mio ruolo di Operatore me lo vieta…….


J-5390: Executing order from Operator.
[14:41]  J-5390: Thanks
[14:41]  Green Geary è Offline
[14:41]  Malbert Greenfield: J-5390 are you joking?
[14:41]  Malbert Greenfield: speaking with a machine?
[14:42]  J-5390: Yes… She want a name
[14:42]  J-5390: But she don’t spek anymore
[14:42]  Malbert Greenfield: who want’s a name J-5390
[14:43]  Malbert Greenfield: You have an implant in you head
[14:43]  J-5390: Custodian… It told me
[14:43]  Malbert Greenfield looks around
[14:43]  J-5390: I’m going Crazy ?
[14:44]  Malbert Greenfield: no J-5390 they are just effect of isolation
[14:44]  Malbert Greenfield: you have only a machine implanted in your head
[14:44]  Malbert Greenfield: it is a machine
[14:44]  Malbert Greenfield: just that
[14:45]  Malbert Greenfield: don’t forget about it
[14:45]  J-5390: I’m depressed it don’t talk to me anymore
[14:45]  Malbert Greenfield: it’s not supposed to talk with You
[14:45]  Malbert Greenfield: does your pc talks?
[14:45]  Malbert Greenfield: no
[14:45]  Malbert Greenfield starts trembling a bit
[14:46]  Malbert Greenfield: J-5390 i will keep monitoring you
[14:46]  J-5390: I talk to it 😉
[14:46]  Malbert Greenfield unplug the vox without saying a word
[14:46]  J-5390: Executing order from Operator.
[14:47]  Malbert Greenfield: you are not talking with anyone J-5390

[14:47]  Malbert Greenfield: now disperse

Mi fermo e penso a cosa avrebbe fatto il mio Op in questo momento.

A Zhora siamo stati tutti una volta bane, e forse sappiamo tutti la verità.

Ma è una verità che deve rimanere per sempre li……chiusa tra le mura di quel parco…….

[edited on 04/05/2010 Rev. 0]